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Alma M Carpenter Pubc Library

Alma Carpenter Library ¶ Alma Carpenter Library

Libraries-Public The Owner of Alma M Carpenter Pubc Library is Sherry Williams Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Welcome to the Alma Carpenter Library website! The Alma Carpenter Library is located in Sour Lake, Texas in Hardin County. Located just outside of Houston, The Alma Carpenter Library is open to the public. If you’d like access to a large array of books come check us out today.
The Alma Carpenter Library currently has more than 15, 000 volumes in our library, which is slightly more than we can handle at this time. In order to keep all of our volumes on location we needed to lease a portable storage container. provided us with secure portable storage units at a great price and now we can easily accommodate a few thousand more volumes.
The Alma Carpenter Library is always looking for donations to our extensive library. If you’d like to donate some works to our library please contact us today.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Alma M Carpenter Pubc Library in Sour Lake you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: 300 S Ann St
77659, Sour Lake, Texas

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